
Parsing Semi-Structured Log Files into Tabular Format

Introduction to Tabulog

Tabulog is a flexible, powerful framework for parsing log files, specifically designed for web logs (such as the access.log files created by Apache), with the final output being in a tabular format.

Parsing logs with Tabulog requires two things: a template, and a list of “parser classes.”

Tabulog Templates

Inspired by Python’s Jinja2 templates, Tabulog templates use a human-readable format mixing literal text with code. Code is being used extremely loosely here, as you will see that the ‘code’ in our templates is not actually R code.

The easiest place to start is with an example. Let’s say you have a simple log file that looks like this: - - [2019-01-01:10:58:12 -500] "" - - [2019-01-01:10:58:25 -500] ""

We can see the log file here holds a certain format, specifically:

<ip address> - - [<datetime>] "<url>"

The Tabulog template to parse such a file looks like this

{{ ip ip_address }} - - [{{ Date date_time }}] "{{ url URL }}"

Each set of curly brackets represents an instance of a class, and is declared in the C style of class var_name. So in the template above, {{ ip ip_address }} is really saying “In this spot, look for an ip, and call it ip_address.”

You may ask, how does the Tabulog know what an ip address is? Which is where we are introduced to parser classes.

Parser Classes

In order to know what to look for in each field of our template, Tabulog must know what a given class should look like. For this we give it a parser class, which is really just a wrapper object for a regular expression.

In the current example with the ip address, we would tell Tabulog that the ip class is represented by the Perl regular expression: [0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}. When Tabulog parsed the log file, it would look for a match on that expression in that spot, and raise a warning if it didn’t find one.

Parser Formatters

Once a field is parsed , you may want to further transform or format the text. For example, you may want to cast an integer. This is achieved using formatters.

When a parser object is created, an optional formatter can be passed. This is simply a function that taking the extracted field of text and returining the transformed field.

Tabulog as a framework is designed to be language-agnostic, so the ideas of templates and parser classes here will be portable between languages. Formatters, however, are languagespecific and must be implemented in the language being used.

Installation Instructions

You can install tabulog from PyPI or CRAN as follows


pip install tabulog




Examples are provided for each language

An Example in R

An Example in Python

Contributing Guidelines

Contributing guidelines can be found in


Escape characters

The only characters that need to be escaped in templates are curly braces (even single ones). Usually a backslash should be sufficient '\{', but the html-style escapes '&#123;' and '&#125;' are also included as valid syntax for any edge cases that may arise.